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Dun hingst född den 12 maj 2009

sire side of pedigree







Tivios Tucker Chex 1994
NRHA 7887,20 €
3:a NRHA futurity open
2:a EM Jr reining
NRHA bronze trophy res. champ.
NRHA derby res. champ.
NRHA limited nonpro champ.
NRHA bronze trophy nonpro champ.
NRHA intermediate nonpro champ.
ROM reining open
Top 6 EM working cowhorse open 2002
3:a tyska mästerskapen DQHA working cowhorse nonpro 2003

Doc Chex 1980
H: 2 P: 42
NRHA $2,858.93
NRHA bronze trophy champ.
EM champ. reining
EM champ. cutting
EM champ. working cowhorse
AQHA wold show finalist working cowhorse
ROM reining
ROM cutting
ROM working cowhorse
DQHA Hall of Fame
Sire of:
Superior reining
ROM reining, cutting & working cowhorse
EM champ.
NRHA bronze trophy champ.
NRHA champ.
NRHA futurity & derby champ.
Doc Tom Tucker 1972
Sire of:
World champ.
Res. world champ.
Top ten world show
Superior perf.
NRHA money earners
NCHA money earners
ROM perf.
WCHA money earners
WCHA Hall of  Fame
Doc Bar 1956
H: 36
AQHA & NCHA Hall of Fame
Leading sire of: World Ch cutters, AQHA Ch, NCHA Ch and Arena ROM:s
Tonette Tivio 1958
H: 10
Frandee Chex 1976 Bueno Chex 1961
H: 13 P: 30
NFQHA 100%
LTE $680
AQHA champ.
ROM arena
Sire of:
AQHA champ.
ROM arena
Grando 1962
Tivios Smooth Ann 1989 Smooth Herman 1973
AQHA honor roll Jr cutting
NCHA bronze award bullet
AQHA honor roll champ. cutting
Grand and res. champ. at halter
AQHA high point cutting horse
Jet Smooth 1965
H: 26
Carols Ethel 1948
Pobre Ann 1976 El Pobre 1968
Enterprise Ann 1970
dam side of pedigree











Glorys Smart Bunny 1995
NRHA 78,94 €



Glory Dun It 1990
NRHA 1609,98 €

Hollywood Dun It 1983
88% foundation
NRHA LTE $65,808.84
NRHA Hall of Fame
NRHA futurity res. champ.
NRHA derby champ.
NRHA superstakes champ.
Sire of:
offspring earnings $5,438,583.80
AQHA champ.
NRHA world champ.
NRHA res. world champ.
NRHA futurity winners
NRHA derby winners
NRHA superstakes winners
Hollywood Jac 86 1967
P: 80
88% foundation
NRHA $6,090
NRHA world champ. 1974&1975
Top Ten world show 1974
Superior perf.
ROM perf.
NRHA Hall of Fame
NRHA $1 million sire
#1 All Age/All division leading paternal and maternal grandsire
Blossom Berry 1975
P: 1
NRHA $458
Dam of:
NRHA money earners $105.608
NRHA Hall of Fame
Top 100 NRHA producing mares
Stage Glory 1985
FQHA 100%
Skip N Stage 1974
AQHA champ.
Billiettas Jewel 1973
145 points
AQHA champ.
World champ. Jr. heeling
AQHA high point steer roping
Superior steer roping



Play It Smart Baby 1990

Smart Little Lena 1979
88% foundation
$ 577,652.36 NCHA

NCHA Triple crown winner
NCHA world champ.
#1 all time leading sire of NCHA earners $33,565,935
NRHA LTE $453,643.00
NRCHA LTE $253,988.76

Doc O´Lena 1967
P: 2
NCHA LTE 21,992
1970 NCHA futurity Ch. open
1971 3:a NCHA cutting horse derby, open
AQHA Hall of Fame
Sire of multiple NCHA Hall of Fame
Smart Peppy 1966
P: 9
NFQHA 100%
NCHA $515.80
Dam of:
NRHA money earners $7163
NCHA money earners $856.635
ROM perf.
Perf. point earners
Baby Prescription 1981
Freckles Playboy 1973
$ 39 NRHA
$ 59.976 NCHA
World Champ.
Docs Christa 1977
NCHA $2,537